I’m currently rewatching the Fox News Sunday interview with John Hurly and Van Odell concernining John Kerry’s war record. Chris Wallace is pushing Van Odell for proof that Kerry did indeed lie about receiving 5 klicks of enemy fire. What I’m wondering is, wouldn’t there have been repair records for the boats, had they received such extreme damage?
I don’t know how they did things in the Brownwater Navy, But in SAC, we swam in a sea of maintenance paperwork.
Update: contrary to Sgt. Mom’s lament, yesterday’s talking head shows demonstrate that this issue does indeed have legs. Unfortunately, however, it seems that far more effort is currently being put into impeaching the Swiftboat Vets than investigating their charges.
You would think that, by the Kerry camp’s pleas to make this a campaign of issues, that they would just want this to go away. But in making such pronouncements, both Hurly, and Tad Devine, on NBC’s Meet The Press, repeated the “Kerry is a hero, and Bush/Cheney are dodgers” mantra in virtually the same breath. Indeed, as with everything else, it seems Kerry wants it both ways.