24. November 2004 · Comments Off on Why The Herk? · Categories: General

I have changed my profile to put my name on my blog posts, but wanted to explain how I got “herkybirdman” for the benefit of those who may not understand how I got it.

The last eight years in the AF were spent on C-130’s, known affectionately as “Herky Birds.” This airplane was and is really special to those of us who flew and worked on them, much unlike my previous birds, KC-135’s. I spent nearly eight years on those hogs, and was so disgusted with them I never wanted to see the inside of one again. There’s no comparison, I know the herky is slow, but it’s a really sweet flying machine, and ours at the 302nd AW were in the best shape, for a 30-year old airplane. Thus, my choice of a blogname was meant as a tribute to a fine piece of work.


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