…and in the next year year I’m building our next computer. I’ve been very happy with the two HPs that we’ve had, but it’s time I started acting like a grownup and build my own. Why? Well, because I CAN that’s why. That and I’m tired of looking at computer prices and then going to places like Tiger Direct and doing the math.
This is the case I’m leaning toward:
And there’s an optional clear side panel I’m toying with but that’s only if I go with little LED’s all over the place. Otherwise I may just let Boyo go sticker crazy on the side of it.
The only thing I don’t like about it? I think it needs another fan, but I really like where they put the USB/Firewire/Audio Ports on the front…and the port panel swivels up if you want to save your desk’s real estate and put it on the floor. Also…there are a LOT of little rubber and plastic mounts all over the place inside so just about EVERYTHING that has a moving part, doesn’t touch the metal of the case directly. Although, I’m not sure what I would do without the sound of a computer spinning up.
It’s gonna be a game box so the CPU will be AMD…I think…I do have a lot of music on this hard drive and they tell me Pentium handles music better. But then again after the new one is up we’ll network this one into it so…
I’m leaning toward two WD hard drives for the RAID.
GEForce for the video ‘cuz every Radeon I’ve ever owned or had to install for a friend has been a royal pain in the ass.
More details as I make more decisions or change my mind.
Of course I want your inputs otherwise I wouldn’t have posted here.