I have a former student who is a reservist now serving in Iraq. He has given me permission to include some of his news in my posts. Here’s some good stuff from his December newsletter (arrived today):
During the month of December they held Grand Opening Ceremonies for the Albu Seffa and Al Ahbab Water Compact units which were renovated and started the renovation of the Ishaki Water Compact unit. The renovation of the Al Raffei and Tedmur schools were started, and the construction of the Al Bouhitry, Al Kharzig, Al Eaatedal, Al Qudas, Al Esraa, and Maan Bin Zaeedh schools were started. A good month!
The next(and hopefully last) big hurdle for us is the elections at the end of January. Preparation have been underway to help ensure that they are successful and safe. Of course the insurgents don’t want to see this happen and are doing everything that they can think of to disrupt things. We expect things to be rather interesting around here for the next month.
He also points us to an online comic that puts some perspective in the Christmas giving season. Check it out.