“I’m looking for a good cowboy,” Bush said Monday when a French reporter asked him whether relations had improved to the point where the U.S. president would be inviting Chirac to the U.S. president’s ranch in Texas. (link here)
Oh, yeah… (snort)… like imagine M. Chirac (snicker) out on the Crawford ranch (giggle) helping to cut brush (titter) with a chainsaw (snerk!) in August! (Bwhahh-hah-haw-haw!)
So, will he be cutting, while President Bush trims and stacks? (Owww, jeez, I think I pulled a muscle there, laughing so hard!)
Now, want to picture something really, really funny? Imagine all those pompous, blow-dried, elegantly dressed drones from the French news media… standing around in the mesquite brush and dust, and cow patties, waiting for the photo op!! Gotta be careful there boys, when the chips are down!
(Medic!!! I think I hurt something!)