22. December 2005 · Comments Off on Final Salute · Categories: General

Peggy Noonan points me to a joint effort by Time Magazine and the Rocky Mountain News.

I’ve not had time to finish reading the articles, but wanted to point you to them. The RMN article (the bits I’ve read thus far) are written with profound respect, and bring tears to my eyes. It details the homecoming of 2LT James J. Cathey, in the cargo hold of a commercial jet, and tells about Major Steve Beck, a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer. I’ve only gotten to the 2nd page of the article, because I have to get ready for work, but I’ll be rushing to finish it as soon as I can. The Time piece is a photo essay of the same event.

In her column, Peggy says:

The Time version has been speeding all over the Web. The Rocky Mountain News version is more comprehensive in terms of text, and offers this comment from Maj. Steven Beck, the Marine who stood with Second Lt. Jim Cathey’s widow, Katherine, as his coffin was unloaded from the cargo hold of the commercial flight while everyone looked out the windows. He said, “See the people in the windows? They’re going to remember being on that plane for the rest of their lives. They’re going to remember bringing the Marine home. And they should.”

and the part of her column that I really wanted to share, because she says what most of us say, when we see a military member:

On this December these men and women are a self-given gift to the nation. Thank you men and women of the armed forces of the United States of America. Merry Christmas to you, happy holidays; stay safe, come home.

Thank you. It’s small and not enough but it is so meant, and by all of us.

THANK YOU to all who are currently serving, standing guard between us and the darkness. You are appreciated more than any of us have words to say.

and to all who have served, whether in hot wars or cold wars, thank you as well.

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