04. February 2006 · Comments Off on Who’s Afraid of Opera? · Categories: General

Joanne Jacobs shares a story from Bennett, CO. Seems a music teacher showed elementary students segments of a video series designed to acquaint children with opera.

Sounds like a noble goal to me. And perfectly in keeping with her tasks as a music teacher.

Unfortunately, the segment she showed was about the opera Faust. It included scenes with Mephistopheles, a scene showing a man being killed with a sword, and references to suicide. And some parents came unglued.

“Any adult with common sense would not think that video was appropriate for a young person to see. I’m not sure it’s appropriate for a high school student,” Robby Warner said after two of her children saw the video.

Another parent, Casey Goodwin, said, “I think it glorifies Satan in some way.”

The teacher had to send a written apology to the parents of the 250 students she showed the videos too, and has suffered character attacks, as well. Some have even called her a satan worshipper.

You can read the news article here.

I’ve got to say, I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian, and I think the parents were out of line. Maybe Faust isn’t the right material for the age group she showed it to, but that doesn’t make her an evil person.

(crossposted at my personal blog)

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