There was crap on TV last night. Not a thing worth watching. Beautiful Wife gave up in complete disgust and went to kill trolls on the Big PC. Boyo came up from his playroom to watch cartoons on the Big TV. I plugged in my headphones and spent about two hours just surfing around YouTube.
I was surprised. I knew there were TV clips and funny commercials there. In the back of my mind I sort of knew that people put their own videos in there, but I didn’t know the extent of the community. Many of the videos are simply of people talking or singing to their webcams. What sort of took me back was that there are some seriously talented people marketing themselves via YouTube. I just thought it was like, “Our family vacation videos.” or “Teenage skateboarders trashing their nuts.”
I’m not going to run out and become a Hill88 Fanboy (Although, I think Second City needs to grab up this gal, get her on stage for a couple years and then ship her off to SNL for boot camp. It’s rare and wonderful to find someone who takes silly to that level.) or wait with baited breath for Esme`e’s latest rendition of Alicia Keys, but it’s nice to know that when there’s nothing on TV you can pick up the trusty laptop and kill an hour or two just checking out what’s there. Hell, I killed half an hour getting caught up on the Letterman interviews I’ve missed.
Don’t misunderstand…there’s as much crap on YouTube as there are video and web cams on the planet. I believe Paul refers to such things as, “teh suck.” The further you drift away from the “most watched” and “favorites” etc. the more you get into things that Jerry Springer would disapprove of. And though I’m as big a fan of boobies as the next guy…some of the younger gals kind of creep me out with the bumping and shaking etc.. It seems a bit desperate.