17. May 2007 · Comments Off on Field Improvised Upgrades · Categories: General

Murdoc had a bit about an upgrade package to the Army’s M1A2 tanks.

“The guys can’t wait,” said Capt. David Centeno, assistant product manager of the TUSK program. “They need this stuff. Every time I go [to Iraq] they ask, ‘When will we get it?’”

Well gee, I thought, the guys at the sharp end have to wait for the Army to get around to adding equipment like a second mount for an M2? Or a T.V. camera on the back for the driver? Were I the C.O. (and this might be a good reason why I’m not) I’d have my mechanics whip out a welding rig and go to town.

Seems like the Marines have more initiative than the Army.

The Seabees of 30th Naval Construction Regiment (NCR) provided the 2nd Marine Tank Battalion with an armor upgrade May 1 to help keep the gunners safe during their operations in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq.

On a tank crew, the loader feeds ammunition into the machine gun and is often exposed to small arms fire from opposing forces. To stay safe, the loader has to close to the tankís access hatch. But if he does that, he can no longer do his job.

“ì[The new armor] lets us leave the hatch open,” said Marine Staff Sgt. Ceasare Williams, of the 2nd Marine Tank Battalion. “This allows the loader to stay in the fight.”

“It will also help [protect us against] IED (Improvised Explosive Device) shrapnel,” added Marine Sgt. Brad Nevitt, also of the 2nd Marine Tank Battalion, as he referred to IED often placed in the road by insurgent forces.

Semper Fi. And the Seabees rock.

Cross posted to Space For Commerce.

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