03. August 2007 · Comments Off on Things I Like About My New Job · Categories: Memoir

Just wanted a list of first impressions that I can look back on later and remind myself when I get tired of showing up every day.

– It’s not the Air Force.
– The dress code is very laid back. Jeans allowed. Hell I could wear shorts and sandals if the place wasn’t kept as cold as a meat locker. That’s been nice.
– It’s only about 6 miles away from home.
– I’m driving away from the city while most of the traffic is driving in to the city.
– While I’m starting out at the entry level, there’s plenty of chances to move up and even out and about in the company.
– I’ve got about a year to learn the ins and outs before I decide which track I want to take.
– There’s every fast food joint and grocery store I could possibly need between home and work.
– The Cafeteria rocks!
— The breakfast burrito I had yesterday morning was made on the grill while I waited. It was great.
— The salsa for said yummy burrito has never seen the inside of a can or jar.
— It’s got a great dollar menu for lunch.
— The condiments’ tray includes, and I know you all are going to appreciate this, TWO bottles of Rooster Sauce along with four different types of Tabasco and similar hot stuff.
– You know those promotional pamphlets you see about someplace being a “best place to work?” and all the people are grinning like idiots? The people that work there seem to be honestly happy to be there with the exception of all the kids wearing black with their iPods vibrating their heads during breaks.
– With all of the benefits, the total package is actually about $5K more a year than I was making in the Air Force. The 401K is SWEET. If I put in 5% of my paycheck they match my contributions by 150%.
– Even if I go with less insurance, between work and my my mil benefits, we’re so covered it’s kind of weird. You might say we’re too covered, but with our health stuff, I’m okay with that.
– We’re going to save about 70 bucks a month on our cell phone plan and we’ll have every feature on the menu, even stuff I don’t understand yet. Why would you send a fax from your cell phone?
– Foosball, pool table, Air Hockey and a TV Lounge in the break area.
– You can still smoke out back and no one tweaks. Yeah, I know, shuddup.
– Everyone is VERY friendly.

All in all I think I’m going to be very happy there until I burn out, and then I’ll just have to move up.
Cross Posted at Faster Than The Blog.

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