12. April 2009 · Comments Off on Adventures In Public Relations · Categories: Ain't That America?, General, Local, Media Matters Not, Working In A Salt Mine..., World

Nothing serious, just a long schlep from the north-east side, over to KENS-5, over in San Antonio’s Medical Center area, for a quick morning show interview about the upcoming Tea Party… in the pouring rain, in the dark. We cut it close, having to be there by 6:45 – and of course, we had to slow down because of the rain. Heck, I don’t think there was anyone out, but a couple of police cars on 1604 who had someone pulled over, the Easter Bunny… and the skeleton holiday-weekend staff at KENS, who were charmingly relaxed and laid back. So, a quick stint in the female’s dressing room, using the hair dryer on my top, and there we were, casually waved into the studio… which was THE KENS-5 studio. I spent a good half of my adult life in TV and radio studios, so I really wasn’t all that intimidated.

In fact, it all seemed very comfortable and familiar… if slightly more plush and substantial than the usual military TV studio, what with having a whole series of sets for various special purpose shows arrayed around the walls; a cityscape from a roof terrace, the living room sofa set, the two leather chairs and bookshelf set, the kitchen show set, plus the weather set and the main news desk. Blondie remarked how they seem somehow much less impressive, smaller and even a little grubbier in real life. Hook up the wireless mike and transmitter, sit up straight on the leather chair, a few minutes casual off-mike chat with the anchor (this intended to put the guest at ease – he seemed quite relieved that I was actually, quite at ease, or at least not a jittering bundle of nerves.) A few quick general questions, about where, when and why… and there you go. Blondie and I picked up breakfast tacos on the way home.

Tomorrow, it’s a call-in to a morning show, an interview at Texas Public Radio in the morning, and in the afternoon, an update for PJ Media… sort of a media trifecta, as it were. Blondie has to go downtown for a safety walk-through, and then we have a social get-together, which will probably turn into one final executive planning meeting.

Two more whole days to plan this, and then we will see a 9,000 person Tea Party on Alamo Plaza – come for the Party, y’all, and stay for Fiesta!

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