12. November 2006 · Comments Off on And There Was Great Rejoicing in the Land, The Times They are a Changin’ · Categories: Site News

You know, once you have control of your database, fixing annoying little crap is EASY.

I want to send out much love and gratitude to our hosts at Cyberwurx. They’re a royal pain in the ass when it comes to making sure that you are who you say you are (a very good thing for a host) but once they’ve got verification, they’re golden when it comes to helping out.

I still have a lot of work to do but at least the comments are back up and running.

It’s going to be annoying again as I had to re-activate the Spaminator until I get some of the upgrades taken care of. There is NO way I’m going to leave us open with no spam protection.

Upgrades are still coming. But now I can back everything up before I do it.


We’re down to just a few regular writers again. Some of our crew have gone off on their own and good on them. We wish them the best. That means we have room for additional writers. Drop Sgt Mom a line and we’ll see about getting you an account.


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