I’m honored to be among the new crop. I’ll begin by telling you a bit about myself, so that you’ll know where I’m coming from when you read my frothings. Much of this is info I provided to Sgt Mom when I “auditioned.”
I’m a retired AF Lt Col with twenty years of experience (1980-2000), all stateside, all focused on computer programming and (later) R&D program management. I did a four-year stint as a computer science professor at the Air Force Institute of Technology in the middle of my career.
I’m currently a computer science prof at a small state school in the south (I’ll leave it at that for now). I mostly focus on undergraduate teaching, but my research interests help me keep abreast of developments in military computing.
I’m a Southern boy: born in South Georgia, spent most of my childhood in Central Florida. I’m also a military brat. My Dad is retired Air Force and former Army Air Corps (he flew as a Ball Turret gunner on a B-17 and has my undying respect and love).
My faith in Christ is the driving force in my life (although I stumble – often). My politics are solidly conservative. So, yes, I’m part of the vast right wing conspiracy.
I’ve been married for almost eight years to a wonderful woman (I’ll call her General SWMBO or The General) who shares my faith, my politics, and my love for our daughter (more in the next paragraph). The General was just elected Chair of our (largely Democratic) county’s new Republican Women’s Organization. I’m so proud of her (sniff!).
I’m the father of a beautiful 6 1/2 year old daughter (I’ll call her 2Lt Sageling), whom we are homeschooling for the first time this year. She would want me to report that she just lost her first tooth (TF payment: $2.00).
I have a professional and academic interest in how the internet (and blogging) is changing the face of information dissemination. In fact, I teach a course for our graduating seniors on social, legal, and ethical issues of computing. We had some interesting discussions last week regarding CBS vs. the bloggers.
I hope to write on a number of subjects, including post-military life, the academic community, computing in general, politics, and faith. I may share some of my adventures in homeschooling as well. I hope I will be found worthy.