You know, it amuses the bitter cynic within me, that of the critics, pundits and just plain bloviating a-holes of both the professional and ungifted amateur varieties who felt the urge to charge out there and start opining on the Tea Parties, and the people who participated in them – damn few of them appeared actually to have gone to a real Tea Party protest for longer than about twenty minutes. In the case of news professionals, those seem to have remained just long enough to shoot the footage and scoot back to the studio or newsroom. Few of the national mainstream media geniuses felt a need to talk in depth to anyone who participated in any of the planning for same, or read any of the various Tea Party websites and newsletters. Too much trouble to actually search out some genuine representative samples, apparently – easier just to talk to some self-identified expert already in the rolodex, and come up with a superficial judgment based on two or three minutes of TV news camera footage.
I do have to admit, while this has provided an irony-rich environment for me over the last eight months – it seems to have left the national main-stream media and those of the leftoid persuasion floundering in a sea of misconceptions: Those awful, horrible, rude Tea Party people! They-they’re dumb! They’re a put-up job by Faux News! They’re red-neck, bitter-clinging white men! They’re raaaacists! They’re potentially violent! They have no real program other than expressing their resentment of a Black Man being in the White House! They don’t think! They’re a bunch of religious nutters! They’re a front for the GOP/the health insurance industry! They’re a crop of Dick Army-corporate supported astroturf! Und so weider, und so weider, so on and so forth. Myself, I came away from the experience of reading what was said about the Tea Parties and what I knew from first-hand immersion with bad case of existential whip-lash.
Our events were jolly and laid-back, kind of like the largest neighborhood block party in the world. We very carefully picked up the trash, policed ourselves for threats of violence and intemperate talk about secession. Not a GOP party front, or a shill for any media network; most of us were angry at both organized political parties. Racial-hate element? Oh, please. For all that the CBC and elements of the frothing media keep insisting on it by comparing the Tea Parties to the KKK, actual, verifiable evidence for that is pretty thin on the ground. We were funded by small donations from individuals. There’s no national leadership calling the shots, no big corporate sugar-daddy, no paychecks for any of us. Frankly, there’s not enough money in any slush-fund, no matter how humongous to pay for what we did as volunteers, and go ahead: multiply that among Tea Parties in other towns and other states. It turns out also, according to a CBS/NY Times poll (which actually surveyed real Tea Partiers- whotta shocka!) that the average Tea Party activist tends to be a little better educated than the average American, and in another recent poll that a large proportion of the ground to mid-level organizers are women. I have tried to explain various elements of this, to people who fall somewhat along the leftish side of the spectrum, and seem to pride themselves very much on their intelligent toleration for everyone who agrees with them. Nope – no credence given for the evidence of my own lying eyes.
This kind of serial misunderstanding, dismissing the Tea Parties out of hand as just another unfocused temper tantrum, has come at something of a cost in credibility for the mainstream national media: is it a coincidence that MSNBC’s ratings are tanking, readership of the NY Times is down, and Newsweek is on the block? Granted, coincidence is not necessarily causality – but still . . . people who are Tea Partiers, and those who only sympathize with them have very little appetite for being continually denigrated, ridiculed and marginalized. And that portion of the public who still retains any faith and credence in mainstream media outlets may be in for an unpleasant surprise. We do more than just protests. There’s been an effort gathering steam over the last eight or nine months, as more and more people inside the Tea Party organizations sat down and thought about it, working at the local level to support candidates who support the small-government-strict-constitutionalist-free-market POV. Not a third-party; that way lies disaster, but to work at the local caucus level, to get the word out about viable candidates in ones’ own and other districts – candidates who perhaps might see a term or two in the House or Senate as a citizen’s temporary duty, rather than a thirty or forty-year long career. You don’t have to believe me, of course – free country, still – but don’t be surprised, come November. I will have told you so.