26. October 2004 · Comments Off on A Thousand Words are Worth a Picture · Categories: General, Memoir

It doesn’t look like much. A name scratched into concrete before it dried. But sometimes looks aren’t everything.


It’s 40 years old, most likely, although the picture was taken less than a year ago. It’s much more than a name. In fact, it used to be several names, but only one remains.

Sometimes the physical is nothing more than a portal to the memories, and a familiar sight can bring back the blazing heat of the sun, the memory of standing out behind the garage eating watermelon, and spitting the seeds into the alley.

The picture doesn’t show you the Ohio summer sun beating down on the frustrated worker, or the passle of kids crowded around clamoring “Whatcha doing Daddy? Are you done yet? Can I touch it?” The picture doesn’t show you anything except a patch of concrete with a name scratched into it.

Sometimes it takes words to make a picture come alive.

I was 4 or 5 years old, and my dad decided it was time to get rid of the gravelled area behind our garage. The basketball hoop was out there, attached to the garage roof where it peaked, and the sandbox was back there, as well. Common sense declared that gravel was not the best type of surface for the kids’ playground, and he wanted us to stay off the grass long enough for it to have a chance to grow.

So Dad prepared the area, called the cement mixer folks, and poured us a concrete slab. I remember being fascinated by the forms, and by Dad’s ability to know exactly what he was doing without any instructions. I was less fascinated by his constant admonitions to keep out of his way.

When the pad had been poured, he smoothed it out, using the tools and experience he had gathered over the years. Then one by one, we stood beside him, and he dusted off the soles of our shoes on his pants-leg, and we got to set our footprint in the concrete, and then write our name. Just like the stars did at Grauman’s Chinese Theater, except we didn’t use handprints, just footprints (Mom might have had something to do with that particular decision).

I went back to the old neighborhood last winter, when I was home for Mom’s funeral. It had been 20 years or so since I’d been around there. We drove down by the old swimming pool, and it had moved. It was still there in the same vicinity, just in a totally different location, which really messed with my kinetic memory. If I had been walking instead of driving, I know I’d have walked right up to where the pool had originally been. There were condos there now.

We drove by my old elementary school, and the asphalt playground where we played softball and stood outside for Memorial Day Assembly was covered with grass. It startled me to see, but at the same time, it was pleasant, and I’m sure it was much more comfortable for playing on than the asphalt had been.

We drove by the house I grew up in, that we moved out of 30 years ago next spring. The folks bought it in 1962, for the grand sum of $12,000, and sold it in 1975 for $25,000. I looked it up in the tax rolls when I got home that day – it’s now worth over $100 grand, and has been owned by the same family for 20 years or so. I hope they’ve enjoyed it as much as we did. I’ll be writing more about that house, I’m sure. I did notice that it looked smaller than I remembered, and was surprised when I looked online and found that it was only about 1800 square feet. It must have been expandable, to hold the energy and dreams of so many families through the years.

My cousin drove up the alley, behind the house, and we stopped and looked at the concrete pad my dad had poured so many years ago. My sisters’ name was all that remained. That, and a million memories.

It doesn’t look like much, but sometimes looks aren’t everything.

20. September 2004 · Comments Off on Time Files When You’re Having Fun · Categories: General, Memoir

It was a beautiful Saturday when she held my hand, looked me in the eye, and said she’d be my wife.

It’s been eighteen years, three states, three kids, grad school, two houses, three cats, but still with the same husband who loves you very much.

Happy Anniversary, sweetheart, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Forever just isn’t long enough.

04. August 2004 · Comments Off on Evenings (And Mornings and Afternoons) At the Bar Urba · Categories: General, Memoir

“Mom? Is it OK if we stop by the bar on the way home from Vacation Bible School?” asked my daughter one morning in the summer of 1989 or so, and I confess that I had lived overseas for so long at that point, that it took me at least five minutes to realize that to most Americans there would be seeing something seriously out of whack about that sentence. Especially since I replied,
“OK, sweetie, just call me when you get home.”

We were living then in a rental duplex home in an urbanization— a suburb, or development, on the outskirts of a pleasantly ordinary city in Spain. San Lamberto had once been the housing area dedicated to USAF families attached to Zaragoza AB. After a really unfortunate mishap involving a misplaced n*****r munition in the Med, the base was closed and the housing area sold off to individual local nationals at fire-sale rates. My present landlords’ father had snapped up several duplex units, one for each of his sons. Since the units (four-unit duplexes, two up and two down, with either deck or balcony overlooking their own generous yard) were about the only housing stock in Zaragoza resembling a garden apartment unit, they were favored by American families assigned to the base, when American operations returned to the area several years later. Most of the units which were not in the pot as rental units to Americans, or to Spaniards as summer cottages during the hot summers, were purchased by well-to-do Spaniards who liked them as up-scale garden residences year round, conveniently located just off the main road to Logronio, the main surface road out of town towards the north. A very long apartment block went up, overlooking the road and shielding the duplexes from the traffic noise from the Logronio road, and the turn-off to the municipal airport and the Garapinillas gate, which gave onto the Spanish side of the establishment. This intersection, while conveniently located for those Americans who had every-day business on the base, was also advertised in our base safety briefings as one of the most dangerous and unpredictable intersections in municipal Zaragoza, owing to a bizarre arrangement of traffic lights. Personal injury lawyers could have made an excellent living, merely by renting those apartments overlooking this intersection, and at the sound of screeching brakes and a certain metallic crunch, tossing down their business cards from their balcony onto to the vehicular mayhem down below.

The other side of the apartment block, facing inwards onto the development, or urbanization, was rather more immediately important, because the ground floor, opening onto a generous sidewalk and sheltered by the overhang of the apartment block above, was given over to a variety of commercial establishments. There was a restaurant which opened in the last few months of my residence there, after many years of wrangling with the municipal authorities, a stationary store which retailed school supplies and a wonderful variety of candies, a bakery— only an outlet and drop-off point for a commercial establishment with ovens elsewhere, although they had a delivery service that offered freshly baked loaves of bread and croissants delivered to your house every morning. Oddly enough, there was an antique store with a lovely variety of odd bits of furniture (there was a little Art Nouveau ladies’ writing desk which I shall ever regret not buying, a steal at about 350$). Because of the high-income in the urbanization, it managed to stay in business, although the larger items of inventory stayed there, year in and year out.

But the two most essential businesses in San Lamberto— and the ones of longest duration— were neighborhood small grocery store with everything that we had forgotten to get on base, and where the owners were teaching me all the Spanish I needed to purchase this and that, and the Bar Urba. The Bar Urba was the clubhouse and chosen gathering space in San Lamberto, in the tiny storefront premise and on tables and benches set out on the sidewalk outside. In the summer, they had the concession at the community pool, set up under a canvas awning, with tables set under the trees. Year round, the Bar Urba was open most hours of the day and evening, offering coffee and snacks at all hours, access to pay phones and video games. Of a summer evening, everyone was there, drinking the house sangria, at 100 pesetas a glass, while the children showed off their skill on skateboards and bicycles— the neighborhood played host to a flock of children, wheeling like seagulls on their bicycles, there in a moment and then off again— but in the evenings, the bicycles were flung in a tangled heap while the children begged a couple of hundred pesetas for a plate of pomme frites. A plate of fried potatoes, with a dollop of mayonnaise and a dash of hot sauce, a most popular tapa, a “little dish”.

My daughter and I loved tapas, the bar food of Spain, but as far above the usual American conception of bar food as haute cuisine is above a supermarket frozen entrée. Tiny toasted cheese sandwiches, just a couple of bites, perfect for a kid’s finicky appetite; slices of cantaloupe melon wrapped in a paper-thin slice of jamon Serrano, the salty dark pink cured ham of Spain— every bar worth mention maintained a whole jamon with slivers of it carved off as needed, and the supermarket Alcampo sold them in a special section that smelled like moldy gym socks. Whole roasted tiny birds, bubbling in fat, a slice of tortilla— a sturdy frittata of potatoes and eggs, crisp slices of chorizo sausage, or whole anchovies— as different from the leathery strips of salted fish jerky as you can imagine, all served with a slice of crusty bread, battered and deep-fried shrimps, and my favorite, ensalata de pulpo— a chilled salad of minced tomatoes, green peppers and onions with cooked octopus, marinated in lemon juice and olive oil. So much better than a restaurant, which was expensive, and fussy, and time-consuming; a place with good tapas already had the small plates made up, and under glass on a section of the bar; perfect for that middle-of-the-day, don’t want-to-fill-up, just-a-little-something-to-tide-you-over nibbling. Just a little plate or two, of whatever took your fancy.

A proper neighborhood bar, like Bar Urba wasn’t a nasty x-rated place, either, although there were those, downtown around the old narrow streets in what they called the Tubes. One of the low, vulgar places in the Tubes featured a stripper who had allegedly been plying her trade since before Franco. A kind of institution by the 1980ies, I always imagined her performances being met with raucous cries of “Put it on, put it on!” Male friends assured me, though, even the bars in the Tubes were fairly couth, and in most other places— there were even bars at highway gas stations! — astonishingly family friendly places. There was even a bar in Zaragoza’s amusement park, with a terrace overlooking one of the popular rides for little children. I couldn’t help thinking that was an eminently sensible way to arrange things; the children could pursue their interests on the little bumper cars and the miniature trains and merry-go-round, while their parents relaxed with something cold and alcohol-based, or coffee, if preferred.

Everyone had their interests catered to, at the same time, and in the same place, and yet they could enjoy that time together. It also had the side benefit of making alcohol rather prosaic, not glamorous and forbidden, although I had to do a lot of explaining on the day we came back to the United States, to the JFK international arrivals hall, and I decided that I wanted to celebrate with a stiff gin and tonic.
“Sweetie, you’ll have to wait outside the bar for me.”
“Why?” She said, reasonably enough.
“Because children aren’t allowed into bars in this country!”
The look of outrage on her face said two things: What?!!!!! And for two cents, I’d get back on the plane and go back to a place where bars are sensible places.
“Custom of the country, sweetie, “ I said helplessly, “They just do things differently here.”

28. July 2004 · Comments Off on THE BOOK!!!!! · Categories: General, Memoir

In answer to the many readers who have asked about “The Book”— it will be available very soon, through www.booklocker.com. I have reviewed and approved it, and we will post links and ordering information, as soon as they are sent to us! “Our Grandpa Was an Alien” will be available in paperback, for $13.95— please order a copy, and tell all your friends about it, as I would like to be able to quit one of my day jobs, and live in luxury on my royalties!

And I can give you a little taste of an early chapter…..

This was the time of discovering things, beyond the boundaries of the White Cottages’ back yard. One afternoon, Mom and I sat on the concrete back steps, side by side, looking out at the back yard, with our playhouse and swing set, shoulder to shoulder between the two fat-leafed jade plants which grew on either side of the steps. Mom habitually emptied the used tea leaves under the one on the left, every morning when she made a fresh pot, and as a consequence of the tea-leaf mulch, it was nearly twice the size of the other.
“You and JP are going to have a baby brother or sister, soon.” Mom said, gravely. I looked sideways at her, and asked, with interest
“How do you know?”
“Because it’s growing inside me, and when it’s ready to be outside, I’ll go to the hospital, and Doctor Harris will take it out.”
”Oh,” I said, thoughtfully. I had noticed that Mom and been bulging quite obviously around the stomach, in the same way that Auntie Laura, my godmother, and one of Mom’s bridesmaids had been, and then suddenly her stomach was flat again, and she was carrying around a tiny, pink little baby. “Is that where babies come from, then? They grow inside their mothers?”
“Exactly, “Mom nodded. “It’s the same with cats and dogs… and all the other mammals. Mammals have red blood, and fur, and carry their babies inside… not like birds, or snakes, which lay eggs.”
“Does it hurt, when Doctor Harris takes out the baby?” I asked. Doctor Harris was an elderly, semi-retired family physician who had not only delivered all of us into the world, but Mom as well. He had begun practice in the early 1920ies and his office and consulting rooms constituted a perfect working medical museum, with glass-fronted wooden cabinets, metal-lidded glass jars, a heavy metal scale with moveable weights…. And the large, old-fashioned reusable syringes, which hurt like the dickens in delivering the necessary inoculations. Mom hesitated a little, before she said
“No… it’s just all rather tiring.”
I rather thought it did probably did hurt— most anything to do with a visit to Doctor Harris usually did, eventually— but it must be necessary, like the inoculations, which kept us from catching all sorts of diseases.
“Did they get their polio shots?” was Granny Jessie and Granny Dodo’s eternal worried question, for until the very year I was born, yearly polio epidemics had terrorized parents, killing and crippling children and teenagers. Every summer, a mysterious monster stalked the young and healthy, leaving behind survivors whose crippled legs needed years of therapy, or worse yet, confinement for life in a mechanical iron lung, unable to even breathe for themselves. There were still older children around with heavy braces on their legs, sometimes in small, child-sized wheelchairs, a reminder of the monsters’ rampage. Even in the kids’ books I read, ten at a time from the library, many of them written in the 1930ies and 40ies, polio and other diseases were occasional casual visitors. For TB— they lined us up at school for a chest X-ray, and the other plagues—, whooping cough, scarlet fever— all of these things had been very real, and were still a presence, held at bay with a couple of quick stabs from Doctor Harris’ medical museum syringes. And we were not allowed into the hospital, when Mom went to have Dr. Harris take our new sister out, although Dad pointed out where her window was, away on one of the upper floors, from where we waited in the Plymouth, for Granny Jessie to go up and visit, and then come back and stay with us while Dad went up. Dad passed the time by pointing out an enormous castor bean bush, growing at the end of the visitor parking lot, and explaining how the caster beans were deadly, deadly poisonous, and we should never, ever put one in our mouths.

Initially, we were rather disappointed in our new little sister; we had thought Pippy would be available as a playmate almost immediately, and were crushed to find out that babies were quite useless in that regard. They ate, and slept, and cried, and absorbed a lot of the attention that had previously been lavished upon us, and it didn’t improve much when she was old enough to be a playmate, for she was so much younger and smaller that she couldn’t keep up with us, and we had no interest in what she was able to do. As a toddler, she was fretful and desperately shy, prone to cling to Mom, which JP and I, who were more outgoing, scorned as babyish. But still, there she was, our sister, and with her, Mom and Dad felt the family was quite complete, thank you, and gave away the crib, stroller, and a bale of cloth diapers and baby clothes, as soon as Pippy outgrew them.

Stay tuned to this space, for more……