I believe that I have mentioned before that Sgt. Mom and I are seeking promising new solo milbloggers that might want to join our team here. To this point, in my case at least, the search has been pretty haphazard. But I’m starting to get a bit more methodical about this. I currently have this tabulation of new blogs, and this one, But we are specifically looking for milbloggers, and culling the wheat from the chaff in these general lists is a daunting task.
In any event, if you have any recommendations, please pass them along. As always, we are looking for current or former military people, although we have discussed widening the qualifications to include civilian employees of DoD, PMCs, military-related think tanks, and the like. But what we are most interested in at this time are writers currently on active duty, and preferably deployed overseas.
Comments are closed. Please email Sgt. Mom or myself with your recommendations. I would like to keep this confidential for a number of reasons – not the least of which is not wanting to offend those that might be referred to us, but we decide to pass on.