Currently up to $75.00. You all ROCK!
If you’ve ever watched the news or read blogs or heard a story on the radio and thought to yourself, “God, I wish I could DO something to help over there.” This is one of those things you can do. Click the button and help our folks help the Iraqis. Surf around Spirit of America (SOA) and see all the good work previous contributions have done.
I’ve got the button above set up to go to the SOA General Fund so they can use the money where ever they need it most. If there’s a pet project you want to contribute to, by all means go for it. This has nothing to do with me what-so-ever. For me this is purely a St Francis thing.
Update: Whoever you all are that contributed another $75.00 today to make the total $150.00, thank you, thank you, thank you.