Neil Cavuto from FoxNews had something to say about being a “victim” last week. Who’s to Blame? I grew up with a “victim” so I agree with Mr Cavuto.
I was perusing Free Republic last week also and found a great article. Funny thing about this one, a couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with one of my co-workers about how great it would be if there was a Starbuck’s right off post. She had heard that someone tried to get Starbuck’s to send some coffee to the troops in Iraq. Starbuck’s allegedly refused saying that while they support the troops, they don’t support the war. I don’t know for a fact that Starbuck’s really took that position. I hope they didn’t as I love their coffee. I still got a bit riled up about it and made the statement that “You can’t support one without the other.” I was going to write about it, but then I had computer problems (random and increasingly frequent reboots) for a few days (fixed by disabling the onboard sound and installing a sound card), then coming home brain-dead from a script I was working on at work. JB Williams must have read my mind. He said what I felt, only much better than I could have said it. A True American Patriot
UPDATE: Thanks to Kayse for pointing out that the Starbuck’s story is an urban legend. I’ll include Kayse’s link here as well as the comment. Real Starbuck’s story