…but the prices were too good and the old one was starting to get weird on us.
This is really sweet. I really haven’t even started playing with this yet but from what I’ve seen so far, everyone in the family’s going to be very happy with their gaming experiences.
And yes, I went to the store to replace a fried video card and came home with a new video card and a new computer…makes perfect sense to me…especially since the dual cores are driving the prices down so much.
I LOVE the fact that I can plug every memory card, camera, MP3 Player and Microphone/Headset that I own or plan on buying into the front of this if I want to and still have open USB ports on the rear.
So no, I didn’t build it, but yes, we finally got the new computer. Beautiful Wife didn’t even raise her voice, she just rolled her eyes because she knows I’m not going to get much sleep the next couple of days until the new one is fully loaded with everything the old one had. This thing made it a breeze to transfer files over.
Sigh…but I still have to mow the frelling lawn before the yard nazi gives me a ticket tomorrow.