Well, contrary to form, and like a good politician, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D. – GA) is speaking in measured and rational terms. However, her attorney is calling for a criminal investigation of the officer involved in this ID check kerfuffle. This is totally over the top, and another sideshow to distract the public from the dysfunctional Congress. A tempest in a teapot, which unfortunately won’t go away, just because of who is stirring the pot.
I mean, she didn’t have her lapel pin on. And, while the capitol police should ideally have been able to recognize her, the woman does have a lot of different “looks”. I mean, if you’ve seen a few pictures of Condi Rice, or Hillary Clinton, or Liddy Dole, you would be able to pick them out of a crowd without a problem – not so with McKinney. We have to give the officer some benefit of the doubt.
Further, she has a documented history as a hot-head, who has been in other altercations in the past. And this just proves it out. She didn’t get molested or beat with a club; this is, at worst, an incident that should have been taken care of quietly and administratively. McKinney’s people are blowing it way out of proportion.
I tell you what, Brits – you give us Red Ken, we’ll give you McKinney. That’s how bad she is.