30. January 2007 · Comments Off on Memo: Going Around, Coming Around · Categories: Ain't That America?, General, Media Matters Not, Military, Politics, Rant, sarcasm

To: Various
From: Sgt Mom
Re: Response to Various Recent Events:

1. To: Major Legacy Media – Cease pussyfooting around and anoint the Chosen One… that is, the favored Democratic presidential nominee. Try to give the blogosphere a more substantial chew-toy than last time.

2. To Major Legacy Media – additional note. Keep in mind that anyone who has been in politics for longer than the last five minutes has “form”; that is, an established record of votes, speeches, interview, op-eds and appearances on the Sunday morning wank-fests. Contradictions, misstatements and mis-handled jokes will be noted by the blogosphere with every evidence of keen enjoyment. Take notes, try and keep up.

3. To Reuters and the AP news services: I already turn the page, as soon as I see that credit line at the top of the story. I am beginning to think a lot of other people are doing the same.

4. To President Ahmedinajad of Iran; So, punk, how lucky do you really feel?

5. To: Jewish residents of Western Europe, and those few Christian residents left in the Middle East; one word. Emigration

6. To: Those who feel moved by anti-war passions to expend bodily fluids in the general direction of uniformed military personnel; word to the wise. Our toleration of that s**t ran out approximately thirty years ago. The same goes also for businesses whose employees get snippy with military customers for the same reason.

7. To: The Council on Islamic American Relations; We have not noted Hollywood churning out vast quantities of anti-Islamic propaganda, in order to whip up the feelings of us ignorant proles. In fact, quite the reverse. But we have noted that whenever there is an uptick in car-bombs, beheadings, riots, mob violence, hostage-taking and assorted other anti-social activities in the news, the odds are very good that that a guy named Mohammed has been involved one way or another. Good luck with trying to erase this association in our minds.

8. To Ms. Jane Fonda – Please, if you are so damned keen to reprise the glory days of the 1960ies, confine yourself to doing a remake of Barbarella. Please.

Sgt Mom

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