The latest meme of the Jackasses is that it is necessary for the next person to rise to the Supremes to possess a similar judicial disposition as Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, to maintain the “ideological balance” of the court. This sort of broad, sweeping standard makes the “abortion rights” litmus test look positively Lilliputian.
Further, for the Dumbos to hold up Justice Antonin Scalia as the gold standard of “strict constructionism” is the height of absurdity. He is a social conservative activist, as extreme as the “liberal activist” judges the Dumbos so love to deride.
Personally, Alito troubles me. I see him as a “big government” conservative, who will do little to check intrusions on our civil rights. However, he reflects a certain “judicial modesty”, which makes me believe the new Court will follow the Congress, and the Constitution, rather than try to lead it.