13. May 2006 · Comments Off on Scenes from the International Aisle in the Commisary · Categories: Eat, Drink and be Merry

Boyo: “mmmmmmMMMMMMM, Germans make good cookie wafers.”

Remembering German baking. Why do people rave about German pastries and chocolate etc.?

First of all, they don’t put a ton of sugar in their recipes and there’s more butter in the crust, which is made from a fresher, less bleached flour. Their whipped creme? The same. Less sugar makes for a creamier creme.

German, Belgian, Italian, and Swiss chocolate? Here’s how we got ripped off. According to my Mom, sometime during WW II the U.S. candy companies added some kind of wax to their chocolate in order to keep it from melting when they sent it across the oceans to American troops. When they came home, their chocolate came with them. That’s also how we got M&Ms. You can get waxier chocolate in Europe, but it’s mostly a decoration thing, the shine is for show, not so much for consumption.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll munch a Hershey Bar and crunch a Nestle’s on occaission. And don’t even get me started on the piece of candy heaven that is the Snickers Bar. I’m just saying that those don’t make my eyes roll up in the back of my head and my leg twitch like Thumper on a frozen over pond.

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