I am so glad this week is over. Last night I mentioned antifreeze spraying out all over my garage. Today I was still holding out hope that it was just a bad hose. Called the hubby after lunch to get the verdict. “You’re radiator is f***ed!” That was so not what I wanted to hear. He and a friend bought and installed a new radiator, so I have my car back now. I had to drive the truck to work today. Now I love trucks and the only reason I drive a car is because I have about an 80 mile round trip each day. I was looking at good mileage. However, every time I have driven my husband’s truck to work, it has rained. Problem with that is, it needs new tires, and therefore has crap for traction on wet pavement. Add to that the wipers. They are new…and suck. Right in the middle of your field of vision, it just kind of puddles up the rain. Naturally I expected rain today as I get a lot of visits from Murphy. Checked the forecast this morning, and there it was-30% chance of showers and thunderstorms. To my amazement, it was sunny when I walked out of my building to go home after work. I could see some ominous looking clouds in the direction of home, but amazingly I made it home without so much as a drop. And they left my old radiator in the garage for me to see. OMG! My husband’s description was spot on.