Like this; a company went, not to a bank, [1] but just this place where I gotta send a big chunk of my money every year. And they said ‘hey, man, I’ve run my company right into the ground, I need some of that cash you guys jacked from the public to tide me over while I change my ways.’
Which, put that way, sounds like a junkie whining that this time he’s really really sorry he put his rent money up his nose instead of paying his rent, but if they just let him slide a few weeks he’ll have the dough ..
And I said to the guys running the place ‘hey, that sucks, don’t do that’. And their governing body voted ‘no’. And I said ‘cool’. And the guy who runs the place said ‘well, shucks, ah’m gonna do that anyway’. And he did. [2]
And then the company, all bright and perky, blows a big chunk of cash [3] telling me ‘thanks, buddy‘.

To which my response, after careful editing because my first through fifth responses contained language that might make a sailor blush is …
Mr. Nardelli? You, your dealers, or any of the one million people who depend on Chrysler for their livelihoods will never see a dime from me.
I was serious about this before but that ad really cheesed me off.
Kia? I’ll need a new car in a few years. Let’s talk.
Cross posted to Space For Commerce.
[1] A bank has stricter rules for handling money than the government ever will.
[2] It’s a weak metaphor, granted.
[3] Cuban cites 100k for the cost of the ad in the Wall Street Journal.