27. May 2006 · Comments Off on The Ultimate Da Vinci Code Review · Categories: Fun and Games, General, That's Entertainment!, The Funny

“You know when you talk,” says one of my co-workers with some exasperation, “Sometimes it sounds to me like the parents and teachers in those “Charlie Brown” cartoons… you know, just ‘bwah-bwah-bwaw’? I know you’re saying something, but I can’t understand a single word of it!”

My bad, making an allusion to a 19th century poem in casual conversation, but then I grew up thinking Osbert Lancaster was hilarious (especially “Here of All Places” which permanently warped my tastes in architecture and descriptions of same ) . She probably won’t get much from the funniest take on the Da Vinci Code that I have read so far… but perhaps some of you might… especially if you took a class where the prof insisted on playing recordings of Old English readings.

(link found through Manolo)

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