Currently up to $200.00. Wow, I never figured we’d bust $100. That’s just amazing.
If you’ve ever watched the news or read blogs or heard a story on the radio and thought to yourself, “God, I wish I could DO something to help over there.” This is one of those things you can do. Click the button and help our folks help the Iraqis. Surf around Spirit of America (SOA) and see all the good work previous contributions have done.
I KNOW money is tight for folks at this time of year. If you have to wait until you get your tax return back to do anything extra, don’t forget to bookmark the SOA site when you’re over there. The current Blogger Challenge is over on the 15th, but SOA takes contributions all year long. I don’t even want to know how some of the other bloggers got into 6 figures. I like our total so far…feels more like I walked around the office with my hat out.