25. May 2006 · Comments Off on VA Identity Theft · Categories: General

So now it comes to light that (a) the civil servant from who the information was stolen has been routinely taking such data home for at least three years, and (b) it only came to the attention of management because of office gossip (it was never offiicially reported). The VA is scrambling to point out that this was an isolated incident, but I do not buy it. If employees are routinely bringing laptops in and out of the workplace, this security breach is likely only the tip of the iceberg. Hmmm. If I end up with a problem because of this it will be Radar v. U.S.

For those old war horses that think it doesn’t affect them, it was reported today the it affects records for GIs discharged as early as 1975. Why in the f*** are GS-dumbf***s carrying records that go that far back around on a laptop?


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