30. March 2005 · Comments Off on 5 Questions · Categories: Wild Blue Yonder

First, lets get the formalities out of the way:

This is a chain interviewing game for blogs. Here are its rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.” The first five commenters will be the participants.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions.

3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (Write your own questions or borrow some.)

Here are Stryker’s Questions and my answers:

Were you a “4 and Out” guy who stayed in or have you always planned to make a career of it?
I was very much a “4 and out” guy. No one was more suprised than me that the AF and I got along so well.

What was your best assignment (or shop) and why?
Three years as part of the Commander’s 24-hour Watch at USPACOM. It was a feast or famine job. Either there was nothing going on and we watched a lot of TV and built boring briefs or we were slammin’ and jammin’ for our 12 hour shift while trying to build informative briefs. Extremely tiring, sometimes extremely stressfull, but very rewarding. Also…Oahu is a great place to have downtime.

What’s the best single piece of advice you would give an Airman?
Take care of your family. That includes the people you work with, that work for you, that you work for. Take care of each other. Be aware of each other. Become a positive part of the lives of the people you interact with everyday. The root word of Sergeant means “to serve.” Be of service to those around you and you won’t go home at night wondering what the hell you’re doing. It’s not easy and I haven’t always done a great job of it, but when I keep that in mind, I have better days. There is no shame and certainly a great deal of satisfaction in being of service to those around you.

What is the single worst thing to happen in the AF during your career?
That’s hard. At the risk of mugging it up for the audience I’d have to say that we’re still recovering from Gen McPeak and I don’t know if we’ll ever get out of that tailspin. There’s an entire generation of folks that believe that their goal is to get enough training and experience to become a contractor.

What major talent do you possess that has nothing to do with the AF?
I’m a competent character actor.

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