25. March 2006 · Comments Off on All Hail the Dark Lord Xenu · Categories: General Nonsense

No particular reason other than I haven’t annoyed a Scientologist all week and I’m feeling left out.

You know, Scientology is becoming a lot like Islam for me. I would have been quite content had I never heard of it, and what I do hear of it completely creeps me out. Actually, on the creepiness scale, Scientology out-creeps Islam. Islam’s more…anachronistic. You wonder how people managed to get stuck in the middle-ages with Islam. With Scientology, I’m once again reminded of the kids in high school who did too much acid and spent the day chanting “Corn flakes!” and playing with their hands in front of their faces. The ones with the DeadHead T-Shirt and did things with a Frisbee that would freak out the physics teacher? I think they all got straight, grew up, and became Scientologists. Only now they’re even weirder than when they were having their own private concerts in and outside their head during homeroom, shroom, vroom, ba-boom, shadooby…yeah…like that.

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