08. July 2005 · Comments Off on Am I Missing It? · Categories: GWOT

One of the things that makes me pissier than normal after a terrorist attack is waiting for the Islamic community to express their outrage at the senseless killings…and waiting…and waiting still.

No…we don’t know who did it yet, I know that, but still, the silence is defeaning.

Granted, I’m on vacation and not watching as much news as usual but I’ve cruised my usual keep up with the world websites and other than a couple of references over at Dean’s World, (start at the top and scroll down through the past couple days) I’m not finding any reports of any Islamic leaders speaking out against the attacks.

How about the rest of you? Seen any outrage from the Islamic side of the world or is it pretty much business as usual?

Update 1: Via Blackfive. Global Voices Online.

Update 2: Voice of America News: American Muslims Condemn London Bombings.

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