09. July 2007 · Comments Off on Another Heartfelt Book Bleg · Categories: Domestic, General, Literary Good Stuff, Media Matters Not, World

So the writers’ life waltz as it applies to the current book project “To Truckee’s Trail” has accelerated to a particularly mad whirl. The final text of it has been reviewed and is set to go to the printer, and all that I lack right now is the final cover, which one of Booklocker’s designers is working on, presumably even as I write this.

I have a list of possible reviewers to send hard copies to, when I have them, and another much longer list of possible markets; various museum bookstores and independent bookstores in towns along the historic emigrant trails.

And I have promise of aid and assistance from a couple of proprietors of various blogs as regards an advertisement… but I need to put together a “skyscraper ad” 160 x 600 which they can plug easily into their ad-space. I have no idea how to do this… (sob! I’m only a writer, I’m not a designer or a techie!) Is there anyone out there who can do this, or advise me, or walk me through it? This ad will have a pic of the cover of “To Truckee’s Trail” and some interesting blurbage.

Email or comment, please. I can promise a copy of the book, with a personal inscription, and my heartfelt thanks.

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