24. November 2005 · Comments Off on Before I Gorge Myself and Forget… · Categories: Veteran's Affairs

Thanks to all you folks stationed overseas this holiday season. That goes for your families too because isn’t it fun trying to pull a traditional meal together with nothing but the Commisary at your disposal? After our first year in Germany, Beautiful Wife started shopping for Thanksgiving at the end of September and put stuff in a freezer. For you guys who actually went to the Commissary yesterday trying to find something you knew was going to be sold out? Serious hero points! I personally believe that’s Achievement Medal worthy.

You folks in Iraq and Afghanistan? Don’t let the assholes on either side get you down. And for you folks who just don’t wanna go have turkey in the chow hall? Yeah, been there too. Sometimes your headphones and your music player are just watcha need to get through it. Let your friends know you’re okay and then do what you need to do. I recommend something jazzy this time of year. That’s just me.

God bless.

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