The last half-hour of this morning’s C-SPAN Washington Journal (check their website later for a download) was a brief repeat of a retired Marine touting the Pinnacle Dragon Skin body Armor, and an interview/call-in session with Col. John Norwood, Project Mgr., Soldier Equipment, and Col Spoehr, Dir of Material, Army Hq.. After a bit about the Dragon Skin (they’ve ordered evaluation units – Pinnacle hasn’t delivered), They went on to display the latest version of the Interceptor body Armor.
They’ve upgraded the SAPI plates, as well as added side plates. It’s better protection; but, full-up, weights 37lbs. – EGAD!. They went on to note that configuration is up to individual unit commanders and, stripped of its plates, it’s like a really good flak vest.
But, checking DefenseTech’s armor blog, I noticed this proposed facial armor:

You wouldn’t have to worry about hand-to-hand with that thing on, as any enemy that saw you up close would likely double-over laughing.
I wonder how many tech-head Soldiers and Marines peel off their current-issue body armor at the end of a patrol, and pray for the latest nanotech?