15. September 2005 · Comments Off on Bill Maher Strikes A Blow Against Katrina Victims · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Just reflecting upon Wal-Mart’s announcement yesterday of opening their gift registry to Katrina victims, which our own dear APV had blogged on earlier: The idiot Bill Maher, who has used Katrina, on the last two episodes of his HBO series Real Time With Bill Maher, to justify some of Hollywood’s most savage and blindered Bush-bashing, led his last “New Rules” segment off with the proclamation, “no more gift registries.”

Well Bill, I think you owe Katrina victims, and Wal-Mart, an apology.

Oh, and equal bad-ons to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Cynthia Tucker, who falsely claimed it took the US military “two days” to respond to the tsunami at Banda Aceh. In fact, it took five. And, as I think we all know, we had the first large-scale operation on the scene. (Singapore got there in two days, but on a scale that was trivial relative to ours.)

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