30. July 2005 · Comments Off on Bizarre Holidays · Categories: General Nonsense

One of the best emails I get on a regular basis comes from Bizarre News. Ever since I first had email back in 1996 I’ve been a subscriber and would highly recommend this weekly to anyone. One of their regular features is Bizarre Holidays:

August is . . . . National Catfish Month, National Golf Month, National Eye Exam Month, National Water Quality Month, Romance Awareness Month, Peach Month, and Foot Health Month

August 1 is . . . . . Friendship Day and National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

August 2 is . . . . . National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 3 is . . . . . National Watermelon Day

August 4 is . . . . . Twins Day Festival

August 5 is . . . . . National Mustard Day

August 6 is . . . . . Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 7 is . . . . . Sea Serpent Day

August 8 is . . . . . Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night

August 9 is . . . . . National Polka Festival

August 10 is . . . . Lazy Day

August 11 is . . . . Presidential Joke Day

August 12 is . . . . Middle Child’s Day

August 13 is . . . . Blame Someone Else Day

August 14 is . . . . National Creamsicle Day

August 15 is . . . . National Relaxation Day and National Failures Day

August 16 is . . . . Bratwurst Festival

August 17 is . . . . National Thriftshop Day

August 18 is . . . . Bad Poetry Day

August 19 is . . . . Potato Day

August 20 is . . . . National Radio Day

August 21 is . . . . National Spumoni Day

August 22 is . . . . Be An Angel Day

August 23 is . . . . National Spongecake Day

August 24 is . . . . Knife Day

August 25 is . . . . Kiss-And-Make-Up Day

August 26 is . . . . National Cherry Popsicle Day

August 27 is . . . . Petroleum Day

August 28 is . . . . World Sauntering Day

August 29 is . . . . More Herbs, Less Salt Day

August 30 is . . . . National Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31 is . . . . National Trail Mix Day

The downside are the advertisements often in the middle of really good, bizarre, articles.

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