17. March 2006 · Comments Off on Blogging May Be A Bit Light For The Next Few Days · Categories: General, Site News

At least my own blogging. But I’m sure the rest of the team has plenty to say.

I have an Administrative Law Judge hearing on my Social Security Disability claim Wednesday morning. This is the second rung up the appeal ladder. I am going pro per; and, while I know quite a lot about certain fields of the law – for a layman, this ain’t one of ’em. I really should have retained an attorney, but the information I received from the SSA really gave me a false impression about how complex preparing a proper and convincing case is.

Fortunately, the ALJ has agreed to look at what I have on Wednesday, and give me time to get an attorney, if he thinks I’m in over my head. This gives me lots of reason to be hopeful, as though he’s looked at what they have in their files already, and thinks my claim has absolutely no merit (HIGHLY unlikely), or it’s such a slam-dunk, an attorney would be a waste of money (they get 25% of your back payments, plus expenses). Even if it’s not a slam-dunk (and not without merit), I don’t see how he would deny my appeal at this point, without giving me a chance to get lawyer.

But, in any event, I intend to present the best case I can. Wish me luck.

Update: I’ve just returned from the library with Nolo’s Guide to Social Security Disability: Getting & Keeping Your Benefits by David A. Morton III, M.D. (ISBN: 0-87337-914-4). Nolo has a really good reputation for lay legal manuals. And this appears to be no exception. Still, if any of you out there are attorneys or doctors, with disability appeal experience, and care to render some advice, or if any of you can point me towards some more resources, it would be most welcome, thanks.

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