01. February 2007 · Comments Off on Boston Livid Over Lite Brite Stunt, Journey Laughs its Ass Off · Categories: My Head Hurts, sarcasm

Okay, not only did Boston get shut down by a bunch of lite-brites yesterday, but they’re going to further embarass themselves by prosecuting the advertisers:

BOSTON — Livid about a publicity campaign that disrupted the city by stirring fears of terrorism, Boston officials vowed to prosecute those responsible and seek restitution, while others mocked authorities on Thursday for what they called an overreaction.

Officials found a slew of blinking electronic signs adorning bridges and other high-profile spots across the city Wednesday, prompting the closing of a highway and part of the Charles River and the deployment of bomb squads.

I would be one of those in the “mocking authorities” column.

Seriously folks, get your pantries stocked and start reading survivorist manuals.  We’re falling apart fast.

And for the record, I’m thinking that if you’ve got that many people on your staff who can’t recognize a member of “The Aqua Teen Hunger Force” you have no right representing or protecting the public in the first place.

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