30. January 2005 · Comments Off on Bubba For Arnold · Categories: Politics, That's Entertainment!

I’m currently watching A&E’s See Arnold Run. It’s a mediocure docudrama – hardly up to the caliber of the stuff HBO has made part of it’s stock-in-trade. But it did remind me of this, from today’s U.S. News and World Report:

Here’s the long shot of the year: Congressional Democrats will OK a constitutional amendment allowing naturalized citizens like California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to run for president if Republicans help kill the 22nd Amendment barring third terms, thus clearing the way for another bid by Bill Clinton and, presumably, President Bush. Right now it’s the talk among political strategists, but look for it to spread on Capitol Hill when Sen. Orrin Hatch reintroduces his plan to let naturalized citizens run for president after 20 years.

Update: Glenn Reynolds reminds us of the line about a constitutional Amendment back in Demolition Man in 1993. He seems to have a higher opinion of tonight’s pic than I do. Although we agree that Roland Kickinger does a great job as Arnold at 25. Also giving strong performances are Mariel Hemingway as Maria Shriver and Nora Dunn, as Arianna Huffington. Jurgen Prochnow, the great German actor made famous here in America by 1981’s Das Boot, is only so-so as the contemporary Arnold.

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