24. April 2006 · Comments Off on Caption This One Winners (060420) · Categories: Fun and Games

“Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army”

Wow, it was nice to see so many of you stop by and comment, but it really makes it difficult to pick just a couple winners.

My favorites:

1. Sgt Schultz: “Fly, my pretties! Fly, fly!” I’m in the middle of Wicked and that just struck me right.

2. B. Durbin: “Fly! Be free!” I laughed for an hour at that Mork and Mindy episode.

3. Last but not least, the Nostalgic Geek Award goes to Dean with: “Today’s military is much more powerful thanks to Captain America’s Super Soldier Formula!”

We’re moved in, mostly out of boxes, the only casualties being a busted piece off our headboard and an MIA iPod.

A long post is coming once I find some more oxygen, we only changed altitude by about a mile…you’d think I was getting older or something.

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