24. July 2004 · Comments Off on Changes · Categories: Site News

I’ve obviously changed the site format. The Archive and About sections aren’t complete yet, but the others are. The Archive will house links to the old MT site. The About section will eventually feature profiles of those authors who wish to participate, along with links to their own archives (Both MT and here). The Portal is where my blogroll is now entrenched. I have only one more column of links to place there and then that page will be complete. If you would like to see your site on that page, let me know and I will classify it and post it. Don’t worry if your site isn’t political! The final column of that page will be comprised of sites that have absolutely nothing to do with politcs. The News section is a page featuring all the RSS feeds I personally read on a daily basis.

If you have an RSS feed to this site, please note the address change:


All previous links to this site still work and will take you to their original pages on the Movable Type site. I haven’t deleted or moved anything from there, except the index page, which can now be found at:


I will probably get around to changing the formatting of those pages so they at least resemble what is found here. I will slowly start to close comments on older entires, though, as the comment spam is driving me nuts. Even with MT-Blacklist installed, those bastards are finding new and creative ways to irritate me.

You’ll also notice a link to Digital Warfighter up there at the top right along with an RSS feed of the five latest posts from there. I highly encourage you to visit and participate in that site, which unlike this site, is open to the general public for posting. Timmer has been doing an excellent job over there, and I plan to increase my presence as I finish dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s here.

I also have some random pictures from the photo gallery (which will soon have more pics), but the code I use doesn’t take you to the exact photo it’s displaying. I’ll fix that later when I have the time.

Sgt. Mom has her first book coming out very soon. Look for a promotion party here, along with an exclusive interview with the author herself!

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