18. December 2005 · Comments Off on Command Comes Out Against Blogs · Categories: Military, Technology

I think this is limited to Porphyrogenitus’ 4th Div., but it’s still disturbing:

When we were prepping for deployment, all the leadership were given various briefings on security matters. One was on blogs, and the danger they pose. Now, I get security issues – obviously you don’t want people posting sensitive information, that might affect a mission. But our leadership at least came back from the briefing with the sense that virtually nothing should be said in a Blog – “let people read about it in the news. If you want to talk about stuff, tell your family you’re fine and all but don’t talk about anything, they can watch the news or read it in the papers.”

I hope any of our currently active duty readers comment on what command’s attitude towards blogging is in their units. I believe that whomever came up with this ignorant dictate, in an effort to err on the side of caution, is shooting themselves in the foot.

Hat Tip: InstaPundit

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