30. January 2006 · Comments Off on Currently Reading: Prayers For the Assassin · Categories: That's Entertainment!

I’ve just started reading Prayers for the Assassin but I thought I’d put a couple of first impressions down before I got too deep into it.

So far it reads like a whodunit/where’dshego set in an America that’s been conquered, mostly through non-violent means, by Islam. I’m liking it more than I thought I would which suprises me. I had prejudged it in my head as simply another attempt at some sort of Twilight Zone episode writ topical and large, but I find myself more intrigued the more I get into it.

“What if?” is a hard game to play. Get too out far out and you lose the readers. Get too matter-of-fact and you risk boring us to death. Ferrigno doesn’t beg the question of how Islam took over in the United States, he simply tells the story and in the process he reveals how it happened without taking over the current story. A neat trick.

I’ll leave it at that until I’ve finished, but I’m already thinking about turning in early to read a couple extra chapters tonight and I don’t do that very often.

BTW: I love this mock news site that they’ve set up to further imerse ourselves in the world of the book.

NOTE: Thanks Kevin for checking my spelling.

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