04. February 2006 · Comments Off on Entertainment Trivia For 02/04/06 · Categories: That's Entertainment!

My older brother always used to say that a padlock just kept an honest man honest…

Well, for all of you who just can’t wait, there’s no more need to Google… All you have to do is click the “more” link. But, I bet our beloved Sgt. Mom doesn’t even need to do that:

It is popularly believed that this was created by this person to celebrate the opening of this wonder of the modern world. But, its premiere, on December 24th, 1871, was fully two years too late. However, it was actually created for this.

Congratulations! to reader Steve Skubinna

It is popularly believed that Aida was created by Giuseppe Verdi to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal. But, its premiere, on December 24th, 1871, was fully two years too late. However, it was actually created for the Khedive’s new Cairo opera house which was created to celebrate the Suez Canal. It opened with Verdi’s Rigoletto “around” November 1st, 1869. And Aida wasn’t even commissioned until May of 1870.

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