20. March 2006 · Comments Off on Entertainment Trivia For 03/17/06 · Categories: Fun and Games, That's Entertainment!

Like a lot of people in Hollywood, this writer/producer/director owes his career to Steven Spielberg. But after this small-budget flop, and this big-budget flop, when he and his partner penned this necessarily big-budget film (although it only required two-thirds the budget of the second), he couldn’t go back to Spielberg looking for that kind of money. So they did this small-budget film, which turned out to be moderately successful (and considered one of the best of its rather low-brow genre). Then, that third film turned out to be one of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters, grossing over $200M (almost $400M worldwide), and spawning two sequels.

BTW: That second film actually made a tidy profit worldwide. But, as I have explained before, a film is expected to at least cover its budget domestically.

Hint #1: (actually, more of a clarification) Spielberg is credited in all four movies. By my use of the term, “penned”, we know the anonymous partner is another writer. Not mentioned, but implied, is the fact that he/she is also credited in all four movies.

Congratz! to reader MakeMineRed, who had a couple of mis-ques, but stuck with it, and worked it out. (see comments)

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