28. January 2006 · Comments Off on Entertainment Trivia For 1/23/06 · Categories: That's Entertainment!

Note that, on coming back from hiatus, I’ve changed the name of this series from “Movie Trivia” to “Entertainment Trivia.” I think that’s appropriate, as some of the earlier puzzles were only tangentially related to the movies. This gives me more liberty.

So, here goes: In 1925, this scientist turned down a $100,000 consulting job from Samuel Goldwyn. Extra credit: name the picture.

THE ANSWER! Sorry for not getting this out yesterday, as promised. I had this really good essay on psychoanalysis and the cinema, but I forgot to bookmark it, and now I can’t find it. As you might guess now, Sigmund Freud is the scientist, as Goldwyn considered him the world’s foremost authority on matters of love and romance. The extra credit was a trick question, as I can find no evidence that the idea ever even got far enough to be given a working title. But the first film Goldwyn had in mind was to be about Anthony and Cleopatra.

As Jay Tea has demonstrated, there are still some skeptics. But, in 1925, the science of psychoanalysis got almost no respect at all. Much of this was racist, with psychoanalysis being widely labeled as “Jew science.” This didn’t exist in Hollywood, of course, as virtually all the movers and shakers were Jews themselves.

Note: Time tag jiggered

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