09. July 2005 · Comments Off on First Cup of Coffee (050709) · Categories: General Nonsense

Whenever I see “SCOTUS Watch” I’m waiting for a vet to come out and give me a progress report on a sick animal’s diseased body part. I blame Will Ferrell.

We Are Not Afraid. Got this link from various sites. Perhaps the London Bombings didn’t have the effect the terrorists were hoping for?

I have no desire to see “The Fantastic Four” but Boyo does. He’ll have to wait until next week though. Today, the entire family is going to see “War of the Worlds.”

Other than this little blurb I simply refuse to even acknowledge the fools that are blaming the U.S. and U.K. for the London Bombings. My only advice to them is, “Please crawl someplace out of the way and die, the terrorists have already beaten you.”

On the flipside, anyone who thinks 7/7 means “the flypaper strategy is working,” I can’t help you either, please join the losers in the corner.

No, I don’t have an answer, but I know what it’s NOT. It’s not either of those.

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