27. April 2005 · Comments Off on First Cup of Coffee, Wed 050427 · Categories: General Nonsense

Up until this morning, I’d never heard of the Stereophonics. Judging by the 30 second blips I’ve heard on iTunes, they’re a combination of INXS when they were good, The Psychadelic Furs, and U2.

Star Wars may be a TV Show? Well, maybe it’s something that Boyo and I can watch together.

Bush Plans New Energy Proposals
: Good, ‘cuz I’ve been tired lately.

On the President holding hands with Crown Prince Abdullah: Look, if you’ve ever been to Saudi or even been to an Arab neighborhood you know it’s just what they do…but yeah when my President does it I’m just kind of…shudder–ewwwwww. It’s a, “There’s no crying in baseball.” thing.

What’s with all the train crashes?

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