31. October 2007 · Comments Off on For Timmer: Interesting Blogs · Categories: General

That depends on your interests, of course. But these are some I visit almost daily.

Kim Du Toit: You’ll never wonder where you stand with him. From what I’ve seen, he’s not the least bit shy about sharing his opinions/thoughts, and won’t apologize if they differ from yours. Talks about guns, music, guns, culture, guns, and assorted other topics. I’ve learned a lot from him, on a number of topics. And if you want to talk guns — any kind of guns, or ammo, or whatever, he’s your man.

Ed Morrisey at The Captain’s Quarters: Politics, culture, and my daily fix of Chris Muir’s comic strip Day by Day.

Blonde Sagacity
: Ala is a Philadelphian with attitude (or is that being redundant?).

Tim at Random Observations: Exercises in critical thinking, usually with a Christian flavor.

Joanne Jacobs blogs about education and education-related topics.

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