05. January 2005 · Comments Off on Good Job Gentlemen · Categories: Ain't That America?

I just wanted to mention how absolutely proud I am of my current President, his predeccessor, and his father. ‘Cuz you KNOW that there’s bad blood there.

For the three of them to come together and for the two former presidents to agree to work together to raise funds for the areas devasted by the earthquake and tsunami…that just makes me grin for my country from ear to ear. Well done sirs.

USA Freedom Corps is the way the Presidents are suggesting you donate.

The Command Post also has a great set of links for donations.

Of course there’s also World Vision as suggested below. We’re all busy this morning aren’t we?

Pick your favorite charity, give a little. And no I don’t care to hear about the yahoo wearing the Osama shirt in the news photo or about the chode from the U.N. who called us stingy. Neither matters.

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